Thanks for visiting! HaVe Fun N HaPpY Go LucKy!!! Don'T ForGet To Be OnE oF My FoLLoWerZ

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bad Things happened to Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber gets mad at a fan!

Justin Gets Hit By A Fan (Bieber commented this video)

Justin Bieber Hit With Revolving Door

Justin Bieber Almost 2nd Crash With A Glass Door

Justin Bieber Breaks His Foot

Justin Bieber Fractured His Foot At London

Justin Bieber Gets Hit By Water Bottle On Stage

LaWak! LaWaK!

Kalau ada orang kata awak gila..
Sabar je..
Kalau bodoh..
Relax je..
Kalau sewel..
Steady babe..
Kalau ada orang kata awak ni comel..
Tampar je..

Dulu aku sukakan dia,
pada masa yang sama aku memiliki dia
tapi zaman dah berubah, dunia dah maju
putus semuanyaaaa...!!!

Yelah, selipar JEPUN mana tahan lama... (Get it? Selipar Jepun..)

Fact-fact yang mungkin you all tak tau :

Fakta 1 :

you all tak dapat menyentuh semua gigi you all dengan lidah .

Fakta 2:

selepas membaca Fakta 1 , semua orang dengan bodohnya akan mencubanya . =P

Fakta 3:

fakta 1 tu cuma tipu je .

Fakta 4 :

you all rasa bengang sebab diperbodohkan .

Fakta 5 :

you all mula rasa lawak and nak memperbodohkan orang lain dengan lawak bodoh ni .

-End of Fact (HaHa!)-

Nama Jepun Yang Haru Biru

1. Yang pemarah - KEJI CACIMAKI

2. Yang tak suka barang mahal - SATO SUKAMURA

3. Yang bisu - KITA TADASUARA

4. Yang suka makan tose - NANACHI HITOSE

5. Yang suka lagu blues - APO NADIKATO

6. Yang suka belajar - ASIKO ULANGKAJI

7. Yang kerap buat huru-hara - WAKASI HURUHARA

8. Yang masih bujang - MATIMATI TAMOKASI

9. Yang masih gatal - ICHI BAWA

10. Yang suka memasak -AJINOMOTO DAHABISLA

11. Yang hidup menyusahkan orang - KICHI KICHI TAKMAUMATI

Nukilan Khas Buat Dirimu

Kau hadir kala ku kesepian…
namun tuhan campakkan rasa sayangku padamu…
setiap hari ku coretkan peristiwa bersamamu….
bila sayang menjadi cinta…
kau hilang dari duniaku…

Setiap hari aku memohon pada yang-kuasa…
agar ketemukan diriku dengan dirimu…

bagai menunggu rumput yang pasti tidak akan berbuah…
ku biarkan peristiwa itu berlalu….
ku akan cuba untuk melupakanmu…
walaupun sepahit hempedu…


DeLeTe 4-Ev@

Hey, all.. Diana dah buat keputusan and dah buat pun perkara tu.. I deleted my MySpace account... And I don't know why I delete it.. Really..! I just feel like want to delete it... So, Diana ikut kata hati Diana ni... Entah betul ke, tidak..

Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Be A Professional Blogger

Mula-mula, Diana nak beri kredit kepada Aiz sebab entry ni dia peroleh dari blog dia.. Thanks, dude.. OK, Diana nak share-kan apa ciri-ciri profesional blogger yang u all boleh apply di dalam blog masing-masing supaya orang pandang u all sebagai profesional blogger.. Che Wah! Banyak pembandingan yang u all perlu lihat dan fikir.. Sebagai blogger, kita selalunya ikut hantam je blog kita.. Tapi kita tak melihat sebagaimana pengunjung lihat blog kita..

1. Kualiti warna blog
Masing-masing ade warna kegemaran, tetapi warna apakah yang u all suka? memang senang cakap warna biru, tetapi.. biru yang bagaimana? Biru u all tu mestilah mengikut konsep apa yang blog u all nak jadi.. Kalau u all nak apply konsep ketenangan.. So, biru langitlah yang amat sesuai.. Jangan pula diguna biru gelap "Blue Filem".. =_="... Stim mata pembaca nanti.. O_O'

2. Kebersihan Blog
Ramai people tak terfikir mengenai kebersihan... Maksud kebersihan disini ialah clean.. Diana selalu walking dari blog ke blog buat spotcheck (syok syok sendiri..) Diana perhatikan ramai yang mengalami kandungan berterabur.. Cuba masing-masing check sidebar.. Adakah sidebar u all bersih? adakah banner/ award/ widget duduk bersepah-sepah? Kalau ye, u all kenelah susun sekemas-kemas yang mungkin.. Kandungan sidebar seelok-eloknya fit cukup-cukup dengan luas sidebar.. Kalau seperti banner kecil besar, so center-kan kedudukkannya.. Settle! Than, jangan lupa juga seperti link-link di dalam sidebar.. Jangan dibiarkan berterabur.. Buatlah satu ruang untuk link sahaja.. make sure segala bahan di dalam sidebar berada di dalam kategori masing-masing... kalau dah buat semuanya, bagus.. Now, go and tell your mak ayah masing-masing.. Satu kejayaan yang agak besar =_="

3. Gambar yang berkualiti tinggi
Diana juga perhatikan ramai yang tak ambil peduli gambar-gambar yang digunakan di dalam blog.. Kenapa u all pilih gambar yang pecah-pecah sedangkan ada yang berkualiti tinggi? Gambar yang berkualiti rendah menggambarkan kebersihan posting u all yang tak profesional.. u all boleh belajar dari magazine-magazine.. Diorang pentingkan gambar yang berkualiti tinggi di dalam setiap artikel yang mereka hasilkan.. Gambar yang berkualiti juga sebagai penarik perhatian pembaca.. 99% pembaca membaca apabila ada gambar best.. Ikut hantam Diana saja bagi 99% ^_^ .. So apa salahnya jika pilih yang berkualiti tinggi... Janganlah jadi buruk.. =_="

4. Header yang bersih
Header-lah perkara yang paling utama.. Tak kisahlah jika u all bukan designer ke.. u all tetap boleh hasilkan header yang profesional... But, Diana tak ada header lagi.. Header tak semestinya u all tiru macam aiz (Di atas).. Header, kalau letak nama pun dah boleh nampak menarik.. Header yang profesional ialah bersih, simple tetapi mesejnya jelas, mengandungi element-element yang berkaitan dengan blog, dan menggunakan gambar-gambar yang berkualiti tinggi... itulah ciri-ciri header yang profesional... yang paling penting, jangan biarkan kualiti header u all pecah-pecah.. biarlah yang paling high kualiti... ^_^

5. Posting dengan kemas
Ramai yang suka tulis posting bahagian center.. Kelemahan center ialah, bahagian tepi kiri kanan tu akan kelihatan kosong, so tak berapa nak cantik.. seolah-olah kandungan posting tu terapung.. Cuba perhatikan cara profesional post artikel.. mesti ada gambar dan tulisan bersandar pada gambar (Lepas ni, Diana akan buat macam tu).. u all juga perlu pastikan warna tulisan tak berwarna-warni.. Di Kemboja, ramai yang dah buta baca blog kita.. Hehe.. Di Chengmai, mata depa berdarah.. dekat Zimbakwe, mereka dah mula pakai spek mata hitam... Diorang kata silau.. So, seelok-eloknya gunalah warna tulisan yang basic.. barulah seronok dibaca.. ^_^

The End

Dunia Luar Seorang Blogger yang Nak Tegar

Hi class.. HeHe... Pernah tak u all tertanya-tanya bagaimanakah kehidupan seorang blogger di dunia luar?Apa yang Diana nak ceritakan ni, bukanlah cerita betul, tapi lebih kuranglah... Haha ... Kalau ada yang terasa, aqu nak minta maaf banyak-banyak... Diana pun tak tau u all macam tu.. haha :P

Sebagai seorang blogger, kita selalu input macam-macam dalam kepala sebagai bekalan untuk kita gunakan dalam blogging... Tak best jika kita tak blogging sambil kaitkan dengan dunia luar... betul tak.. :P Hoho..

1. Kalau nampak orang jatuh motor
Seorang blogger tu akan menulis tips-tips cover malu jatuh motor.

2. Kalau nampak orang kene ragut
Blogger ni selalunya, maksud Diana memang tak sempat menangkap peragut tersebut, tetapi hanya sempat tangkap gambarnya untuk diceritakan di dalam blog... Haha.. Macam cheese cake lah perangai blogger ni.. :P

3. Kalau nampak artis
Blogger tersebut akan snap pics banyak-banyak dengan harapan boleh dijadikan skandal.. Kalau tak dapat gambar menarik, tak pa... photoshop boleh membantu.. Hehe.. Lagi satu perangai tak boleh blah... Tak elok perangai ni.. Mendatangkan dosa.. Huhu.. Macam ustazah la pula..

4. Kalau terjumpa species baru di dalam hutan
Blogger ni akan menulis dengan semangat yang berkobar-kobar ... yelah... takkan u all nak senyap je kalau jumpa gajah berkaki 1?... LOL.. harapannya juga supaya dapat menggemparkan satu dunia... Tal logix tu.. Betul tak..? Of course la...

5. Kalau terserempak dengan blogger tegar yang lain
Dua orang Blogger tegar ni akan snap gambar bersama-sama sambil menggayakan style yang taklah style sangat.. :P ..... Balik rumah je terus menjerit ... MANA !!!! WAYER CAMERA AKU !!!!! AKU NAK TRANSFER GAMBAR NI!!!! .. Ish Ish Ish.. Of course la, nak lawan dengan blogger tu siapa upload dulu dalam blogger.. :) Macam-macam

Alright, Diana tak nak tulis banyak-banyak sebab tak nak you all boring baca ni..

p/s:Diana nak tahu pendapat u all pula... Tulis dekat ruangan komen, ya... Jangan lupa tinggalkan link u all juga... Senang untuk Diana teleport ke blog u all.. :)

King Grisly-Beard by Brothers Grimm

A great king of a land far away in the East had a daughter who was very beautiful, but so proud and haughty and conceited, that none of the princes who came to ask for her hand in marriage was good enough for her. All she ever did was make fun of them.

Once upon a time the king held a great feast and invited all her suitors. They all sat in a row, ranged according to their rank -- kings and princes and dukes and earls and counts and barons and knights. When the princess came in, as she passed by them, she had something spiteful to say to each one.

The first was too fat: 'He's as round as a tub,' she said.

The next was too tall: 'What a maypole!' she said.

The next was too short: 'What a dumpling!' she said.

The fourth was too pale, and she called him 'Wallface.'

The fifth was too red, so she called him 'Coxcomb.'

The sixth was not straight enough; so she said he was like a green stick that had been laid to dry over a baker's oven. She had some joke to crack about every one. But she laughed most of all at a good king who was there.

'Look at him,' she said; 'his beard is like an old mop; he shall be called Grisly-beard.' So the king got the nickname of Grisly-beard.

But the old king was very angry when he saw how his daughter behaved and how badly she treated all his guests. He vowed that, willing or unwilling, she would marry the first man that came to the door.

Two days later a travelling fiddler came by the castle. He began to play under the window and begged for money and when the king heard him, he said, 'Let him come in.'

So, they brought the dirty-looking fellow in and, when he had sung before the king and the princess, he begged for a gift.

The king said, 'You have sung so well that I will give you my daughter to take as your wife.'

The princess begged and prayed; but the king said, 'I have sworn to give you to the first man who came to the door, and I will keep my word.'

Words and tears were to no avail; the parson was sent for, and she was married to the fiddler.

When this was over, the king said, 'Now get ready to leave -- you must not stay here -- you must travel with your husband.'

So the fiddler left the castle, and took the princess with him.

Soon they came to a great wood.

'Pray,' she said, 'whose is this wood?'

'It belongs to King Grisly-beard,' he answered; 'hadst thou taken him, all would have been thine.'

'Ah! unlucky wretch that I am!' she sighed; 'would that I had married King Grisly-beard!'

Next they came to some fine meadows.

'Whose are these beautiful green meadows?' she said.

'They belong to King Grisly-beard, hadst thou taken him, they would all have been thine.'

'Ah! unlucky wretch that I am!' she said; 'would that I had married King Grisly-beard!'

Then they came to a great city. 'Whose is this noble city?' she said.

'It belongs to King Grisly-beard; hadst thou taken him, it would all have been thine.'

'Ah! wretch that I am!' she sighed; 'why did I not marry King Grisly-beard?'

'That is no business of mine,' said the fiddler, 'why should you wish for another husband? Am I not good enough for you?'

At last they came to a small cottage. 'What a paltry place!' she said; 'to whom does that little dirty hole belong?'

The fiddler said, 'That is your and my house, where we are to live.'

'Where are your servants?' she cried.

'What do we want with servants?' he said; 'you must do for yourself whatever is to be done. Now make the fire, and put on water and cook my supper, for I am very tired.'

But the princess knew nothing of making fires and cooking, and the fiddler was forced to help her.

When they had eaten a very scanty meal they went to bed; but the fiddler called her up very early in the morning to clean the house.

They lived like that for two days and when they had eaten up all there was in the cottage, the man said, 'Wife, we can't go on thus, spending money and earning nothing. You must learn to weave baskets.'

Then the fiddler went out and cut willows, and brought them home, and she began to weave; but it made her fingers very sore.

'I see this work won't do,' he said, 'try and spin; perhaps you will do that better.'

So she sat down and tried to spin; but the threads cut her tender fingers until the blood ran.

'See now,' said the fiddler, 'you are good for nothing; you can do no work. What a bargain I have got! However, I'll try and set up a trade in pots and pans, and you shall stand in the market and sell them.'

'Alas!' she sighed, 'if any of my father's court should pass by and see me standing in the market, how they will laugh at me!'

But her husband did not care about that, and said she would have to work if she did not want to die of hunger.

At first the trade went well because many people, seeing such a beautiful woman, went to buy her wares and paid their money without even thinking of taking away the goods. They lived on this as long as it lasted and then her husband bought a fresh lot of pots and pans, and she sat herself down with it in the corner of the market.

However, soon a drunken soldier soon came by and rode his horse against her stall and broke all her goods into a thousand pieces.

She began to cry, and did not know what to do. 'Ah! what will become of me?' she said; 'what will my husband say?' So she ran home and told him everything.

'Who would have thought you would have been so silly,' he said, 'as to put an earthenware stall in the corner of the market, where everybody passes? But let us have no more crying; I see you are not fit for this sort of work, so I have been to the king's palace, and asked if they did not want a kitchen-maid; and they say they will take you, and there you will have plenty to eat.'

So the princess became a kitchen-maid and helped the cook to do all the dirtiest work. She was allowed to carry home some of the meat that was left over, and they lived on that.

She had not been there long before she heard that the king's eldest son was passing by, on his way to get married. She went to one of the windows and looked out. Everything was ready and all the pomp and brightness of the court was there. Seeing it, she grieved bitterly for the pride and folly that had brought her so low. The servants gave her some of the rich meats and she put them into her basket to take home.

All of a sudden, as she was leaving, in came the king's son in his golden clothes. When he saw such a beautiful woman at the door, he took her by the hand and said she should be his partner in the dance. She trembled with fear because she saw that it was King Grisly-beard, who was making fun of her. However, he kept hold of her, and led her into the hall. As she entered, the cover of the basket came off, and the meats in it fell out. Everybody laughed and jeered at her and she was so ashamed that she wished she were a thousand feet deep in the earth. She sprang over to the door so that she could run away but on the steps King Grisly-beard overtook her, brought her back and said:

'Fear me not! I am the fiddler who has lived with you in the hut. I brought you there because I truly loved you. I am also the soldier that overset your stall. I have done all this only to cure you of your silly pride, and to show you the folly of your ill-treatment of me. Now it is all over: you have learnt wisdom, and it is time to hold our marriage feast.'

Then the chamberlains came and brought her the most beautiful robes. Her father and his whole court were already there, and they welcomed her home. Joy was in every face and every heart. The feast was grand; they danced and sang; everyone was merry; and I only wish that you and I had been there.

The Tidy Drawer by Mo McAuley

One Saturday morning Abby's Mum came upstairs to see Abby in her bedroom. Or tried to. There was so much mess on the floor she could only poke her head around the door. Abby sat in the middle of it all reading a book.

"What a tip," Mum said. "You need to have a clear up in here."

"Why?" Abby asked.

"Why?" Mum repeated. "Because things get broken or lost when they're all willy-nilly like this. Come on, have a tidy up now."

"But I'm very busy," Abby argued, "and it's boring on my own. Can't you help me?"

"No I can't, I'm busy too. But I'll give you extra pocket money if you do a good job."

When Mum came back later all the toys and clothes and books had disappeared.

"I'm impressed," said Mum. "But I'll inspect it properly later."

"It was easy," said Abby. "Can I have my extra pocket money now?"

"All right. Get it out of my change purse. It's in the kitchen tidy drawer."

In the kitchen Abby went over to the dresser and pulled open the tidy drawer. She hunted for the purse.

"Any luck?" Mum asked.

Abby shook her head.

"It must be lurking at the bottom," Mum said. "Let's have a proper look."

She pulled the drawer out and carried it over to the table. Abby kneeled up on a chair to look inside. There were lots of boring things like staplers and string but there were lots of interesting things as well.

"What's this?" Abby asked, holding up a plastic bottle full of red liquid. Mum laughed.

2 >

"Fake blood, from a Hallowe'en party years ago. Your Dad and I took you to that, dressed up as a baby vampire. You were really scary."

"I don't remember that."

Abby carried on looking through the drawer. She found some vampire teeth, white face paint, plastic witchy nails and hair gel. Mum pulled out a glittery hair band. It had springs with wobbly balls on the top that flashed disco colours. She put it on her head while she carried on looking through the drawer. Abby found some sparkly hair elastics to match the hair band. She made her Mum put lots of little bunches all over her head so she looked really silly.

"I remember this," Abby said as she pulled out a plastic bag. "This is from my pirate party." Inside there was a black, false moustache and some big gold earrings.

She peeled the sticky backing off the false moustache and stuck it on Mum's top lip then found a paint brush in the drawer and painted a fierce red scar down her cheek using the fake blood. Mum clipped on the pirate earrings.

"Come here," Mum said and smeared white face paint all over Abby's face. She dribbled the fake blood so it looked as if it was coming out of Abby's eyes and mouth. She put gel all over Abby's hair and made it stand up into weird, pointy shapes. Abby put in the vampire teeth and slipped on the witchy fingers. She made scary noises at Wow-Wow the cat. He ignored her and carried on washing himself on the seat next to her.

"Wotch thish?" Abby asked, holding up a flat rubbery thing. It was hard to speak through the vampire teeth.

"It's a whoopee cushion," Mum said. "You blow it up and sit on it. It makes rude noises." She blew it up and gave it to Abby.

3 >

Suddenly there was a knock at the back door. A voice called out. "Hello, it's only me. I've let myself in."

It was their nosy neighbour, Mrs Hislop. She was always interfering and complaining.

Mrs Hislop entered the kitchen. Her mouth dropped open.

"We're jush wooking for the change pursh," Abby explained.

"Yes, well, er," Mrs Hislop said, "I just wanted a word about your fence. Some of it's blown down on my side."

At that moment Abby sat on the whoopee cushion and let out an enormous, rude noise. Wow-Wow jumped off his seat and ran away.

"Well!" said Mrs. Hislop and hurried from the room and out of the house.

When the door banged shut Abby and Mum burst out laughing until Mum's moustache hung on by a whisker and Abby's vampire teeth dropped out.

Abby came to sit on her Mum's knee.

"It's fun doing this together," she said.

"Maybe. But we still haven't found the change purse." They both looked at the enormous heap of things spread over the kitchen table.

"Well, you know things will get lost, or broken, when they're all willy nilly," Abby said.

"You cheeky monkey!" Mum laughed. "But what shall I do with it all?"

"I know, it's easy," Abby said and began to scoop everything off the table into her arms. She dumped it all back in the kitchen drawer.

Mum looked at her suspiciously.

"Let's go and inspect your bedroom shall we."

Abby followed her upstairs and into her bedroom. Wow-Wow was sitting in front of her fish tank looking hungrily at the goldfish. He dashed under the bed when he saw Mum and Abby. Mum kneeled down and lifted the bed cover to get him out. Underneath were heaps of Abby's toys, books, tapes, clothes and shoes, empty plastic cups and wrappers and a half-eaten sandwich on a plate.

4 >

"Abby! What's all this?"

"It's my tidy drawer," Abby said. She wrapped her arms around her Mum and gave her a kiss. "Let's sort this one out together now."


Hugh.. Diana betul-betul bengang and stress.. Diana akan menyertai s'Storytelling Competition' this Monday and I still did'n start memorizing any story yet.. Diana nak cerita tentang Rumpelstiltskin, tapi FARAH ambil cerita tu daripada Diana... BEncinya!! Sekarang ni, Diana tengah cari story kat internet, but still didn't find any good story yet..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Great News...

Hey, all.. I have a great news.. Maybe, good for me... I mean, it's GOOD for me... Kalau you all nak jadikan this news sebagai pembakar semangat pun tak apa, tapi jangan pula bakar semangat tu.. Sayang tau... Ok, ok.. The GREAT news is, Diana dapat 8As in my exam (Peperiksaan Selaras 2) (Aik! 8A buat font besar nampak..) Ala.. It's okay.. When I'm happy, I wanna show it to da world.. Bukan tujuan nak berlagak.. Never think of that.. Really, tak terfikir langsung.. At last, semua usaha Diana telah menghasilkan kejayaan yang membanggakan.. I hope keputusan Diana yang akan datang akan maintain.. Pray for me and Insyaallah Diana akan pray kat you all... Yeah, I got 8As, I got 8As....

Titanic 2 Trailer

Aaahh! (Menjerit macam orang gila) Titanic 2.. I can't believe it, but believe it... Titanic's back,, Titanic's back.. Macam tak percaya je Jack dah kembali from da death.. Jahatnya mulut...

Sajak : Menguatkan Pertahanan , Menyerang Peperiksaan , Menembusi Cita-Cita

Pertahanan kamu perlu dikukuhkan
Kekuatan diri perlu ditingkatkan
Usaha semua perlu digandakan
Senjata individu perlu ditajamkan
Latihan perlu diperbanyakkan

Jeneral perang anda akan memimpin anda ke arah kemenangan
Ikutilah strategi , kaedah dan teknik perang mereka
Hormtilah Jeneral supaya mendapat berkat

Dari hari pertama andan menjejak kaki ke alam persekolahan
Anda tidak dapat mengelak daripada peperangan
Anda tidak boleh berundur
Anda hanya boleh mara ke hadapan

Sama ada anda ditumpaskan
Sama ada anda menumpaskan
Jika ditumpaskan akan kehilangan segala-galanya
Jika menumpaskan akan memperoleh segalanya
Biar memperoleh daripada kehilangan

Perjuangan manira belum tamat
Lawan tetap lawan
Berjuanglah sepenuh hati , sepenuh jiwa
Anda tidak boleh terkorban
Hanya masa , usaha dan tenaga boleh dikorbankan
Anda tidak boleh menyerah kalah walau a
pa terjadi
Biar putih tulang , Jangan putih mata

Bawalah semangat dan keyakinan bersamamu
Bersatu menyerang peperiksaanmu
Biar kubu cita-cita yangkukuh dapat ditelusuri
Biar sekuat kubu itu dapat ditawan

Peperangan dengan peperiksaan mesti menang
Kalahkannya , Tumpaskannya
Kemenangan akan memberi kekuatan
Kekuatan untuk menembusi kubu yang diingini

Biar sekuat mana pertahanan , serangan dan kekuatan
Yang Esa tidak boleh diluputkan
Berdoalah pada Yang Maha Besar
Percayalah anda akan dirahmati , dilindungi
Rahmah dan lindungan ini akan memodenkan senjatamu

Wahai golongan remaja dan pelajar yang unggul

Shen Yee Aun

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Hey, all.. Diana geram giler dengan seseorang yang tak dikenali.... Dengan mudah, dia pecah masuk e-mail Diana and change password e-mail Diana... Geram, babe... Tapi, yang pasti bukan Farah.. Diana dah pastikan... So, Diana telah change e-mail and delete e-mail lama.. Waahhh... (Menangis) Banyak kenalan yang hilang and Diana tak boleh nak cari diorang balik.. Sabar je la.. Tapi.. Sejak kebelakangan ni, Diana rasa macam nak buat novel (you know what I mean...) Yes.. Like a real novel... Buku yang ditulis lebih dari 30 muka surat.. Tapi, I don't have time to write a novel.. I hope I'll have time...

p/s: my newest e-mail>>>

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sajak Kepada Kota Di Perkampungan Ini

Melihat sepintas mimpi
di perkampungan kota murni
menghimpun kita kembali
menghampar ambal sejahtera,
kususuri pekerti melabuh hadir
di tengah gelombang suasana
memetik ritma suara bersama.

Malam ini di tengah ruang
ada bintang saujana
ada sinar cahaya
ada derap puisi berkelana
mencanang kesampaian kita
suara-suara dan wajah-wajah.

Kepada kota di perkampungan ini,
menyisir tirai jendela keredaan-Nya
kilau bayangan menjadi nyata
kebersihan suci kenang tatang
lumrahnya memuncak barakah
ke persada reputasi
perjuangan harga diri.

~Jamaludin D,
Hotel Concorde, Shah Alam.

Puisi: Sewaktu Ziarahku Bertandang

Zikir angin bertalkin disambut wirid daun-daun
di juntai dahan kehidupan
tanah basah bagai bertasbih dalam lunak
kerdil membilang nama-Nya
berulang dan berulang dalam senyap
kekhusyukan di laman fana
sebuah perjalanan
di tirai hayat kesementaraan.
Saat derap kaki mengatur
dalam sepoi angin berbahasa
menggemai syahadah
kuziarahi lagi sekebun agung
yang mengakrabkan cinta sang tetamu
tatkala tidak terhitung lirik nurani bermunajat
tika lidah masih mengkhatami luhur doa
dan salam al-Fatihah.

Husna Nazri

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Peperiksaan Selaras 2...

YEs... Peperiksaan Selaras 2 telah ditangguhkan disebabkan sebab yang tertentu... Oowhh.. I'm Happy... Ada la masa untuk study.. Maksud Diana, adalah masa untuk STUDY SMART and ada la masa untuk buat folio Science yang menyusahkan and memeningkan kepala tu... Wah... Sakitnya hati... Jujur DIana bagitahu... Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun dah habis... MEmang sakit kepala time periksaa... Tapi, Alhamdulillah dapat no. 2... Waaaa... (Menangis macam terpijak paku) Kenapa tak dapat no.1... Adakah salahku...? Atau individu yang no. 1 tu lebih pandai..? TAK!!! Aku LEBIH PANDAI (Cheh.. Berlagak!)... Bukan berlagak... Just, nak naikkan semangat ni.. Apalah... You all doakan Diana dapat 8A tau untuk Peperiksaan Selaras 2...

B.T.W a.k.a By The Way, Diana baru je tukar URL Twitter... Sekali lagi... URL yang terbaru adalah (Peminat setia ni...) Da...
Snow Link Welcome

Saving CB